Leading lines- These lines often draw the viewer's eye in a specific direction or towards a designated portion of the photograph.
Rule of third- Rule of Thirds is the process of dividing an image into thirds, using two horizontal and two vertical lines
Low vantage point- When you alter your vantage point to a lower angle, you can see the object takes up more of the frame as the horizon line moves downward.
high contrast - Contrast is the ratio between the white and the black, or in other words, the light and the dark parts of a scene

In his design i have swapped letters to numbers and i have also used high contrast. I have learnt that David Carson makes his work look busy and he also uses high energy to create these kind of link which influenced me to create these designs. I think that this is my most successful design because of layering of the images and overlapping type.

In this design, I have used a lot of detail to make design look busy which made it look like text box with image.I have also used bright colour to make it look interesting. I have seen that Paula Scher has been using bright colour and bold text to make it look simple and interesting at the same time. she influenced me to make these kind of designs. I think that this is most successful paula scher i have made due to the high contrast photo on top of the bright green and the way in which the photo creates a frame for the text..